Exploiting Relational Database Technology in GIS
Peter Batty, July 1990
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systems for managing
data face common problems such as backup, recovery,
auditing, security, data integrity and concurrent update.
Other challenges include the ability
to share data easily between
applications and to distribute data across several
computers, while continuing to manage the problems already
mentioned. Geographic information systems are no exception,
and need to tackle all these issues.
Standard relational database
management systems provide many features
to help solve the issues mentioned
so far. This article describes how the IBM geoManager
product approaches these issues by storing all its
geographic data in a standard relational database product in
order to take advantage of such features. Areas in which
standard relational database functions need to be extended
are highlighted, and the way in which geoManager does this
is explained. The performance implications of storing all
data in the relational database are discussed.
important distinction is made between the storage and
management of geographic data and the manipulation and
analysis of geographic data, which needs to be made when
considering the applicability of relational database
to GIS.
This article looks at some of the
issues involved in implementing a large corporate database
containing geographic information. First a brief
categorisation of 'non-database approaches' to storing
geographic data is given. A description follows of the way
that the IBM geoManager product approaches geographic data
management using a standard relational database management
The article then examines a number of
database issues, discussing the ways in which standard
relational database functions can help a GIS address these,
and also highlighting where extra functions are required for
a GIS. In each case the approach taken by geoManager is
compared with a non-database approach. Finally the
performance implications of taking the geoManager approach
are discussed, and the arguments presented are summarised in
a conclusion.
Throughout this article the examples
given refer to geoManager and DB2, IBM's relational database
product which runs under the MVS operating system. The first
release of geoManager also runs under the VM operating
system using the SQL/DS database product. The arguments
given are by no means specific to these database products
but apply in general to any relational database management
systems used in the way described in this article.
Alternative approaches to storing geographic data
Non-database approaches
Most Geographic Information Systems
store graphics and some or all geographic information in
specialised data structures, and store alphanumeric
attribute information in a standard database management
system, often a relational one.
Various reasons are cited for this
approach, the most important of which is generally agreed to
be performance. Relational databases are designed primarily
for managing alphanumeric data, not for rapid display of
graphical information or certain kinds of complex processing
such as some types of geographical analysis, so there are
issues to be addressed in this area, which will be discussed
Clearly these generalised statements
cover a very wide range of approaches to storage of
geographic information. However, for the purposes of this
article the important fact which distinguishes these
approaches is that they do not store all aspects of their
geographic data in a single database management system. In
the rest of this article, these will be referred to as
non-database approaches.
The GFIS database approach
IBM's Geographic Facilities Information
System (GFIS) takes an object-based approach to storing
geographic information, rather than a map-based approach.
(Note that the term 'object-based', as used in this article,
is not synonymous with the term 'object-oriented', which has
a quite specific meaning in computer science. With an
object-oriented system relationships between objects are
stored as an integral part of the database. With the
object-based approach referred to in this article,
relationships between objects are maintained by applications
using software tools which are provided.) All the
information for an object, including alphanumeric
attributes, geographical location, network relationships and
graphical representation, is stored together as a single
logical object in the relational database. The GFIS database
has no system of tiling or pre-defined maps, just a
continuous set of objects. The appropriate tables are
created and managed by the geoManager product. Attribute
fields stored in the database for each object include the
Spatial index key - used to cluster
data efficiently and optimise area retrievals (discussed in
more detail in the section on performance).
Object extents (min x, min y, max x,
max y) - used for area retrieval.
Absolute points and point connectors
- network nodes which are used for network retrieval.
Detailed graphics (for example the
co-ordinates of a multi-point line) are stored in a compact
binary format in a variable length character string.
Alphanumeric attributes.
Geographic analysis and graphical
display is not done directly against the geoManager data
structure. An important distinction is drawn in this article
between the storage and management of geographic data
and the manipulation and analysis of geographic data.
When looking at the manipulation and analysis of geographic
data, different data structures are appropriate for
different kinds of application. For example, the data
structure used by IBM's Graphics Program Generator product (GPG)
is extremely efficient for complex network analysis, while a
raster or quadtree data structure such as that used by Tydac
Technologies' SPANS is much more efficient than a vector
data structure for overlaying several sets of polygons.
However, it is highly desirable to have some means of
storing and managing geographic data in a way which allows
it to be accessed by multiple geographic and non-geographic
applications within a consistent environment. The geoManager
approach is intended to provide an integrated corporate
database which fulfils this role.
When a user wants to work with some
geographic data, he makes a request to geoManager specifying
the geographic area of interest and the objects required
within that area (for example buildings, roads and sewers).
It is possible for geoManager to extract the requested
objects from the database in one of the following three
1. The Interface Format File (IFF),
which contains graphical, alphanumeric and relationship
information, and is used to pass data to GPG or other GIS
packages for full function GIS applications.
2. The Open Format File, which contains
just selected alphanumeric data, and can be used to pass
data to other applications such as report generators or
3. The geoManager Graphic Analysis
Format, which contains just graphical data, together with a
database key for each object which refers to the relevant
attributes in the database. This is used by the geoManager
Graphic Analysis application which provides functions to
display, pan and zoom these graphics on any standard
business graphics terminal, as well as the capability of
viewing and updating alphanumeric data and performing
various types of simple analysis and reporting.
When an IFF extract is requested, the
user must specify whether any of the retrieved objects may
be updated. If so then geoManager puts locks on the
appropriate objects so that they cannot be updated by other
users. This is discussed in more detail in the section on
concurrent update. Any changes made in the GIS application
are passed back to geoManager in an IFF, and this updates
the database and releases the locks.
Database issues
Backup and recovery
Regular backups need to be made of any
database system in order to be able to restore the database
in the event of a major system failure. The larger the
database, the longer it will take to back up, and therefore
there may be a reasonable length of time between backups. In
order to provide the capability of restoring a system to a
state which is more recent than that of most recent full
backup, database systems such as DB2 provide the ability to
log all transactions against the database. This transaction
log can be saved on tape much more regularly than a full
backup can be done, since the data volumes involved are much
smaller. When restoring a database from the backup tapes,
the most recent full backup of the database is restored, and
the transaction log can then be applied to this to bring it
to the most up to date state possible. DB2 also provides
facilities to back up individual tables, or parts of large
tables, so a full backup can be done more quickly by running
concurrent jobs to back up different parts of the database.
Since geoManager stores all GFIS data
in DB2, it can exploit all these capabilities automatically.
However, a system which stored its graphics in a separate
database would have to write a specific logging mechanism
for graphical transactions (which included a mechanism for
synchronising this log with the log for alphanumeric
transactions), in order to provide the same recovery
In a corporate GIS with many users, it
is vital to be able to control access to the GIS data. The
three main types of access to data are update, read only, or
no access. These categories may be subdivided further. For
example, geoManager provides three types of update
privilege: the ability to create entirely new data; the
ability to make structural updates to existing data (i.e.
change graphics or network connectivity); and the ability to
update attribute data only. It is necessary to be able to
grant these privileges at an object level, since some users
may be permitted to update or view certain objects but not
others. This requirement applies equally to both graphical
and alphanumeric aspects of the data.
DB2 provides standard facilities to
provide read, update, insert and delete authority on any
table for any user. Since the three types of update required
by geoManager do not correspond exactly to these DB2 update
authorities, the geoManager application implements its own
security mechanism at an object level. This security
mechanism is complemented by the standard DB2 access control
mechanism, which controls access to the data by
non-geoManager users. In this way privileges for all users
can be controlled in the appropriate way.
It is generally easier to provide a
flexible approach to security using an object-based system
rather than a map-based system. If the basic unit of
information being handled is a map, or a layer of a map,
then it is likely to be more difficult to restrict access to
certain objects within a layer than it is if objects are the
basic unit of information being handled.
Data integrity
There are many data integrity issues
which need to be considered in a corporate GIS. This section
looks at some of these issues, and the following section
looks at concurrent update, which is one particular aspect
of data integrity which is particularly complicated in a GIS
compared to most applications.
A fundamental issue is ensuring that
graphics and alphanumeric data are maintained in
synchronization with each other. At the very simplest level
this means ensuring that when a graphic record is deleted
the corresponding alphanumeric record is deleted, for
example. This is not an issue in GFIS because of its
integrated object-based approach. However, in a system where
alphanumeric and graphical data are stored in separate
databases, the system must ensure that this sort of
synchronization is maintained.

Synchronisation at this simple level
should be straightforward to achieve, but there are far more
subtle issues in the same area. Suppose that an operation
has been carried out which changes both alphanumeric and
graphical data for an object, and that in the process of
saving the results of the operation in the database(s), the
transaction fails. If at this stage the graphical change has
been saved but the alphanumeric change has not, then the two
are out of synchronisation. The system must be capable of
recognising this, and either rolling back the graphical
change which has been made or ensuring the alphanumeric
change is also made. It would be extremely difficult to
provide this level of data integrity in a system where the
graphics are stored in their own data structure. However,
DB2 provides function which geoManager exploits to provide
exactly this sort of capability. When a group of related
transactions are being carried out on the database, they
will not be committed until they have all been completed
successfully. If the update process fails at any stage then
all the updates which have been made will be rolled back so
that everything remains synchronised.
Data integrity issues also arise if
relationships exist between objects which have been
extracted from the database for update and other objects
which have not been extracted. The geoManager system handles
this by marking such objects as 'partially retrieved', which
restricts the type of update operations which can be done on
these objects in GPG. For example, if a pipe was extracted
which crossed the selected area, and this was connected to
pipes which were outside the selected area and therefore not
extracted, then that pipe would be marked as partially
retrieved. GPG would then not allow the ends of that pipe to
be moved, for example, since that would cause the integrity
of the network connectivity to be lost.
Concurrent update
A key issue in a large database with
many users is the management of concurrent update problems.
This is an area where GIS poses some more complex problems
than simple alphanumeric applications. The native locking
mechanism in standard relational database systems is based
on the 'short transaction'. This means that if an
application tries to access a record which is locked, the
database management system will wait until the lock is
released and then return the data to the application. The
underlying assumption is that the application which has
locked the data will only do so for a short time, a few
seconds at most. However, a record which is extracted from
the GFIS database for update may be checked out for hours or
even days, so this approach is not appropriate.
Issues relating to such 'long
transactions' are discussed by Newell and Easterfield
(1990). They propose a solution based on version management,
which is essentially an 'optimistic approach' which allows
multiple users to concurrently update their own copies of a
set of data and store both these versions in the database,
on the assumption that in the majority of cases there will
probably not be any conflict between versions. This approach
allows great flexibility, but also has some risks. The main
risk, as they acknowledge, is that the amount of work
submitted before a conflict is discovered could be large.
One of the implicit assumptions underlying optimistic
approaches to concurrency control is that it should be
relatively easy to modify and re-submit an update job if a
conflict occurs. In GIS this is not generally the case, and
weeks' work could be wasted. In the worst case it could be
that important decisions had been made on the basis of
inconsistent information. This may be an unacceptable risk
in many organisations.
The geoManager locking mechanism
A different approach is taken by
geoManager, which provides some of the features of version
management but which does not incur the risks just
mentioned. Whenever a user requests some data from
geoManager to be put into an IFF, he is asked whether he
wishes to update any of this data. If this is the case, then
he is asked to indicate which objects he wishes to update.
The specified objects within the extraction area are then
marked by geoManager as checked out for update (a special
status attribute in each object, which is described in more
detail below, is used for this purpose). The user is asked
to give details of the nature of his or her update for the
benefit of other users. Other users are still free to
extract this data in read only mode, but are not allowed to
extract any objects for update which are already checked
out. If an attempt is made to extract an object which is
already checked out for update, then the requestor can find
out who has checked the object out and obtain any
information which was entered about the nature of the
update. The requestor can then contact the person who has
checked out the objects if necessary.
The fact that the database is
object-based means that the minimum possible amount of data
can be locked in order to try to minimise contention. In
order to further reduce the possibility of contention,
geoManager provides the capability of carrying out short
geographic transactions using geoManager Graphic Analysis.
When an extract is made to Graphic Analysis Format, only
graphics are extracted, together with a key for each object
which refers to the appropriate set of attributes in the
database. No objects are locked at this stage. Using Graphic
Analysis the user is restricted to performing attribute
update operations, which can be handled as short
transactions. A user can point to an object on the screen
whose attributes are to be updated. The attributes for this
object are then fetched from the database and the object is
marked as checked out (assuming of course that it is not
already checked out by someone else, in which case the user
can view the attributes but not update them). The user can
then make any updates and these are returned to the database
and the object is checked in again. This ability to handle
both long and short transactions is extremely useful in
minimising contention. Furthermore, the same checking out
mechanism can also be used by other applications to enable
them to directly update data stored in geoManager, while
ensuring that data integrity is maintained (this is
discussed in more detail in the section on application
Version management
The GFIS approach also allows a degree
of version management at two levels. First, a GPG user who
has extracted an IFF for update can save a copy of this data
in GPG workspace format in his own personal storage. He can
then create various alternative designs and save each of
those in separate workspaces. He could go on and create
further alternatives from any of these alternatives,
creating a set of workspaces which correspond conceptually
to the 'version tree' described by Newell and Easterfield.
Each extra workspace duplicates data, but this will only be
temporary. These workspaces are all accessible only by this
user, or by any other user he chooses to pass them to. The
only information the database has about this transaction at
this stage is the set of objects which were originally
checked out by the user. When the user decides which
alternative should be passed back to the database he creates
an IFF from the appropriate workspace and passes it back to
It is at the stage of updating the
database that the second level of version management can be
used. When database updates are made they can either be done
immediately, or they can be denoted as 'pending'. For
example, if a new housing estate had been designed but would
not be completed for a year then the updates showing the
layout of the estate could be put into the database as
pending. When pending work is put into the database, new
objects and any modifications to old objects are stored in
addition to all the old objects in that area. When a user
extracts data from geoManager he can choose to see only
current objects, only pending objects, or current and
pending objects together (in which case any current objects
which were updated by the pending job will be extracted in
their new form). The user who put the pending work into the
database can subsequently either cancel the pending work, in
which case all the original objects are left unchanged, or
commit the pending work, in which case the pending work
becomes current and any changes to the original objects are
This user can also make modifications
to the pending work, but only a single level of pending work
is maintained in the database. In this way geoManager
provides a form of version management at a database level
which is simpler than that proposed by Newell and
Easterfield but easier to manage.
Pending work is marked as such in the
database using the same status field which geoManager uses
for indicating whether an object is checked out. This field
can take the following values:
' ' - current
'C' - checked out for update
'P' - pending
'A' - current but affected by pending
Only current objects (which are
unaffected by pending work) can be checked out for update.
The status field will then be changed from ' ', to 'C'. If
an object is checked back in again directly the status field
willbe reset to ' '. If a set of objects is checked back in
as pending then updates will be treated as follows. If an
object is to be deleted then its status will be set to 'A'.
If an object is to be modified then the original object
record will have its status set to 'A' and another record
will be added with details of the modified object with a
status of 'P'. If a new object is to be added then a new
record will be inserted with a status of 'P'. Separate
tables maintain lists of all the objects which belong to
each pending retrieval set. To cancel a pending retrieval
set all the objects in that set with status 'P' are deleted,
and all those with status 'A' have this changed to ' '. To
commit a pending retrieval set, all objects with status 'A'
are deleted and all objects with status 'P' have this
changed to ' '.
The three types of retrieval mentioned
earlier will retrieve objects with the following status
Current objects only - ' ', 'C' or
Pending objects only - 'P'.
Current and pending objects - ' ',
'C' or 'P'.
Only objects with a status of ' ', can
be checked out for update.
In summary, geoManager provides a
method of locking at object level to prevent concurrent
update. Contention problems are minimised in the following
Locking at object level minimises the
amount of data which needs to be locked for any transaction.
Read only access is permitted to
locked objects.
Attribute updates ean be handled as
short transactions using geoManager Graphic Analysis.
When contention does occur, the user
who has checked out the objects which have caused the
contention can be identified, so that the two users involved
can try to resolve the situation if necessary.
In addition, geoManager provides the
ability to store pending work in the database alongside
current work, so that users can be aware of work which is in
Data sharing and integration between applications
One of the main advantages of a
relational database is that it is possible for multiple
applications to access common data in a very flexible way.
Since all geoManager data is stored in standard DB2 tables
it can be easily accessed either by other applications or by
flexible query tools such as QMF (Query Management
Facility). This makes it possible to query attribute data
stored in the GIS from any alphanumeric terminal within an
organisation. There are no real issues with regard to other
applications reading the geoManager data, but when it comes
to updating the data then issues relating to long
transactions arise, as was discussed in the section on
concurrent update. Since the updates are being done to
geographic data, which could be undergoing update by a long
transaction via geoManager, it is necessary for the updating
applications to recognise the geoManager status field and
only update objects which are not checked out for update.
Provided this rule is followed it is possible for other
applications to directly update attribute data in the
geoManager tables. Other applications should not, in
general, directly insert records into, or delete records
from, tables which are controlled by geoManager. This is
because information about an object and its relationships is
stored in multiple tables and to ensure data integrity the
addition or deletion of objects should be done via
geoManager. These sort
complex data integrity constraints are known as semantic
integrity constraints,
which cannot be enforced automatically within the
relational database model itself, but must be enforced
through applications (see Elmasri and Navathe,
1989). This is the sort of area where object-oriented
databases, which are currently the subject of much research,
may be able to give the application developer, and database
administrator, more freedom in the future, by allowing such
semantic integrity constraints to be stored within the
database itself as 'rules' or 'methods'.
lf non-GIS applications are going to be
doing most of the updating on certain tables then it is
possible to leave these tables outside the control of
geoManager (but in the same database system) and just access
the data as appropriate from geoManager or GPG. For example,
one would probably keep a customer database outside
geoManager but refer to this by storing customer reference
numbers in appropriate objects within geoManager.
This is one area where a non-database
approach which used a relational database to store all its
alphanumeric data could provide a similar level of
integration for alphanumeric data. The issues which have
already been mentioned still need to be addressed, such as
the management of long transactions. There is a danger if an
appropriate mechanism is not put in place to manage these
that a non-GIS application could change an attribute value
during the course of a long transaction, in a way which
would conflict with what the GIS user was doing.
In the area of 'corporate GIS',
geoManager Graphic Analysis gives significant benefits by
allowing graphical data to be accessed by a very large
number of users. Any user with a standard business graphics
screen can view the graphics for a selected area, update
related alphanumeric data, and perform simple forms of
analysis. This type of facility would be much harder to
implement if the graphics were not also stored in the
database, especially as one starts to move to a distributed
environment, as described in the next section.
Figure 2 shows an overview of some
applications which could be integrated with GFIS in a
typical environment. TSO, IMS, and CICS are all access
methods which can access the DB2 database using the SQL
query language. QMF (Query Management Facility) is a
flexible query and reporting tool which enables users to
analyse data using either the SQL or QBE (Query By Example)
languages. AS (Application System) is a Decision Support
Tool which, in addition to query and reporting features,
provides functions in other areas including business
planning, financial modelling, business graphics, project
control and management and statistical analysis. AS can run
directly against the DB2 database, or against a flat file
such as the geoManager Open Format. The latter option is
particularly useful for doing analysis on data within a
specified geographic area using AS. Any maps, showing
thematic information if appropriate, which are produced in
GPG or geoManager Graphic Analysis, can be output in a
standard graphical format which can be imbedded in AS
reports if desired. These reports, including graphics, can
be circulated to any number of people using standard office
products. This is just a brief overview of some of the ways
that other standard products can use the GIS data without
having to write any special interfaces, because it is stored
in a standard database management system.
Distributed database
The development of database software
which can manage a database spread across multiple machines
is something which major database vendors, such as IBM, are
putting great efforts into. Various benefits come from being
able to do this, such as being able to store each district's
data locally for improved performance and availability,
whilst still being able to access data from other districts
in a transparent way (see Elmasri and Navathe for a more
detailed discussion). Providing such distributed capability,
whilst still maintaining the same function to manage data
integrity and other issues, is an extremely complex task.
For example, the rollback capability mentioned earlier must
be able to work across multiple machines. If a complex
transaction makes one update on one machine and is about to
make a related update on a second machine when the
transaction fails (for any reason, such as the failure of
either database system or a network link), then the system
must ensure that synchronisation is maintained between both
The ability to provide a distributed
database, with this sort of integrity, is perhaps the
biggest single argument in favour of storing all aspects of
geographic data in a standard database management system.
The complexities of producing a true distributed database
management system are such that it is difficult to see how
any GIS developer could justify taking on this task
independently. If a non-database approach is taken and some
data is stored outside the database management system then
it is not possible for the GIS to exploit any distributed
function provided by the database management system.
Since geoManager stores all data in DB2
it can automatically take advantage of any distributed
function in DB2 as it appears. There is already some basic
distributed function in the latest version of DB2, and it is
IBM's intention to greatly enhance this in future versions,
first in terms of distribution across multiple DB2 systems
on mainframe computers connected over a network, and
ultimately including SQL databases on a whole range of
hardware platforms from mainframes to PS/2s, within the
framework of IBM's Systems Application Architecture (for
further details see IBM, 1988).
As was stated earlier, the main reason
for storing some data in a separate database is to optimise
performance for graphical display or certain kinds of
geographic analysis. It has also been pointed out already
that these sort of operations are not done directly against
data stored in DB2 by geoManager. Instead, data is extracted
from geoManager into a format suitable for interactive
display and analysis by GPG, geoManager Graphic Analysis or
other GIS packages. Therefore the only performance question
which needs to be examined in comparing the geoManager
approach with a non-database approach is that of the time
taken to retrieve a geographic area from the moment it is
initially requested.
Clearly by using a non-database
approach and storing the graphics in a specialised format
suitable for immediate display, it is possible to achieve a
very fast response to certain types of request. For example,
if the data is stored as a set of regular map tiles then it
should be possible to satisfy a request for a specific map
from this set very quickly. The same is true for a request
to view an area covering a small number of these maps. In an
application where the data viewed is generally quite
standard (for example, where it can be specified as one or
more of a number of layers), and this is generally viewed at
a reasonably constant scale, then this approach is likely to
give good performance in terms of elapsed time from initial
request to initial display.
In a corporate system rather more
flexibility is required because different applications will
need to display and analyse data at greatly differing
scales. While some applications may need very detailed data
at a large scale, other applications may require a sparse
set of data, perhaps qualified by attributes, across a much
wider area (for example, one might want to retrieve all
crimes committed between 10 pm and midnight on a Friday or
Saturday night during the last six months in county X). With
a map-based (and possibly layered) system it is likely to be
rather difficult to create this type of data set. This is
where an object-based system has an advantage, since this
sort of request is easy to satisfy with an object-based
approach. Of course the extra flexibility provided by an
object-based approach does not come for free, since in order
to display a map at any scale it is necessary to retrieve
each individual object in the requested area, rather than
just accessing a single predefined file.
Because of this, the initial retrieval
of a geographic area at a large scale in an object-based
system is likely to be slower than one can achieve with a
map-based approach.
Spatial indexing in geoManager
The importance of performance issues
has been recognized in the design of geoManager, and a major
design point has been to optimise retrieval times from the
database. In line with the general philosophy of geoManager,
the techniques used have been designed so that they will
exploit as much DB2 function as possible, and also take
advantage of future enhancements. The key to efficient area
retrieval from geoManager is a spatial indexing system based
on a quad tree approach. For a general discussion of spatial
indexing methods, see Samet (1988) or Vanzella (1988). The
specific approach used by geoManager is similar to that
described by Abel and Smith (1983), generally known as the
Smallest Containing Quad Method or MX-CIF quadtree, with
suitable modifications for a relational environment.
A very brief overview of the approach
is given here. The area covered by the application is
recursively subdivided into quad cells to a predefined
level. Each quad cell can be assigned a code as illustrated
in Figure 3. A unique key for each quad cell is given by
concatenating this code with the level of the quad cell in
the tree. The example illustrates this using three levels,
but in practice one would use considerably more than this.
The spatial index key assigned to each object is given by
the key of the smallest quad cell which completely encloses
it. The spatial index key is stored as an attribute of every
object in the database.

This spatial index key has some
important properties which allow us to use it to perform
efficient area retrievals from the database. The single most
important property is that, in general, objects which are
geographically close together in the real world will be
assigned spatial index keys which are similar. To exploit
this fact, geoManager specifies to DB2 that it should use
the spatial index key as a clustering index, which means
that it will physically sort the data records on disk in
spatial index key order, and try to maintain this physical
clustering as far as possible even when records are inserted
or deleted. One consequence of doing this is that objects
which are geographically close together in the real
world are, in general, stored physically close
together on disk. This can considerably enhance
performance when accessing a number of objects which are
geographically close together, because of the way that disk
access works. When a request is made to read a record from
disk a block of data is read into memory which contains a
number of records, including the one which was requested. If
a request is made to read another record subsequently, the
system checks whether the requested record is already in
memory because of a previous disk access. If it is then the
record can be returned much more quickly because it can be
read far more quickly from memory than from disk This
technique can be extended in various ways. One technique is
caching, where the disk subsystem stores large pages of data
in memory to increase the probability that a requested
record will be in memory rather than on disk, and will
therefore be able to be accessed much more quickly. DB2 also
has the capability of further improving performance using a
technique called prefetch, which involves asynchronously
reading pages of data in from disk before they are required
for processing. The appropriate pages to read in are
determined by looking at the index which the query is
following. The geoManager spatial index key allows all these
methods of improving performance to be used automatically
when doing area retrievals from the database.
As objects are inserted and deleted the
physical clustering of objects will gradually be lost.
Therefore it is necessary to reorganise the tables from time
to time to restore the physical clustering. This is a
standard function of DB2. The DB2 system allows the database
administrator to obtain statistics about each table to
enable him to decide when it is appropriate to reorganise
that table.
Another property of the spatial index
key which helps geoManager perform efficient extractions is
that the key for any given quad cell is immediately followed
in the ordered list of keys by all its descendents, that is
all smaller quad cells entirely contained within it. This
means that the quad cells which are candidates for
containing objects in the requested retrieval area typically
have key values which can be specified as a relatively small
number of continuous ranges, rather than a large number of
scattered values, which allows the retrieval to be specified
using a relatively small number of SQL queries. Furthermore,
these queries can be executed efficiently since each one
includes a selection qualification which is a continuous
range of values of a field which has a clustering index
defined on it.
A more detailed discussion of the
spatial indexing techniques used by geoManager is really
beyond the scope of this article. Perhaps the most important
thing to note is that the techniques used are designed to
exploit the standard relational database indexing system as
far as possible, which means that geoManager will
automatically be able to take advantage of future hardware
and software developments which enhance the performance of
the relational database.
This discussion has looked at a wide
range of database issues which apply to all corporate
database systems, including corporate Geographic Information
Systems. Some ways in which a standard relational database
management system can help to tackle these issues have been
highlighted, as have areas where additional function must be
provided by the GIS. It has been proposed that many of the
benefits which can be provided by standard relational
database management systems can only be realised by storing
all aspects of the geographic data in the database. This
applies most of all to providing distributed database
An important distinction has been made
between the storage and management of geographic data and
the manipulation and analysis of geographic data. Many
people have claimed that relational databases are not
suitable for GIS, but they are normally talking about the
manipulation and analysis of geographic data. The main
assertion of this article is that commercial relational
database management systems can offer significant benefits
for the storage and management of geographic information, as
outlined with reference to the approach taken by geoManager.
The role of geographic storage and
management systems is likely to become increasingly
important as GIS develops. An increasing number of
specialised GISs are likely to appear which are suitable for
specific applications within an organisation, and it will
become increasingly unlikely that a single GIS will be
suitable for all the manipulation and analysis requirements
of an organisation. However, it is vital that all the GIS
applications which are used, as well as non-geographic
applications, have a means of accessing data from a single
consistent database. The trend towards such geographic
database management systems is also likely to be encouraged
as different organisations seek to solve the problems of
using common databases.
1. Abel, D.J. and Smith, J.L., A Data
Structure and Algorithm Based on a Linear Key for a
Rectangle Retrieval Problem, Computer Vision, Graphics
and Image Processing. Number 24, 1983.
2. Elmasri, Ramez and Navathe, Shamkant
B.. Fundamentals of Database Systems,
Benjamin/Cummings, Redwood City, California, 1989.
3. IBM UK Programming Announcement
ZP88-0472, Distributed Relational Data in Systems
Application Architecture, November 1988.
4. Newell. Richard G. and Easterfield,
Mark, Version Management the Problem of the Long
Transaction, Proceedings of the Mapping Awareness
Conference, Oxford, January 1990.
5. Samet. Hanan Hierarchical
representations of collections of small rectangles, ACM
Computing Surveys, Volume 20, Number 4, December 1988.
6. Vanzella, Luca, Classification of
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88-14, Department of Computing Science, University of
Alberta, June 1988.
The author would like to acknowledge
helpful comments given at various stages in the preparation
of this article by David Adler, Steven Brown, Paul Cocking,
Peter Gee, Wilhelm Kerbl, Scott Kutz, Tim Lloyd and Kurt
PETER BATTY is a Systems
Engineer in the GIS Market Development Group at IBM,
Editor- We are pleased to print this
IBM response to the challenges laid down in our earlier
database feature and in particular, to the article entitled
'Towards a blueprint for database vendors' which was
described as being 'a valuable step towards a database
specification'. We will be pleased to publish similar
contributions from other suppliers and examples of live
Reprinted from
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