World Cup 2002
Friday June 21, 2002
I'm off to the World Cup Finals, courtesy of United Airlines (in exchange for
lots of frequent flyer miles!) with my friend Mike Mitchell from Denver. United
is a sponsor of the World Cup and they had an auction where you could bid
frequent flyer miles for this trip. I had one of the top three bids in North
America, so off we go! The package includes air travel, accommodation at the Century
Hyatt in Shinjuku, Tokyo, and tickets to the semi-final between Brazil and
Turkey and the final. Obviously we're disappointed not to be seeing England
play, as they got so close, but it will still be great to see Brazil. To
see a movie of the reaction to England's goal against Brazil at my place (500KB)
click here - unfortunately it was downhill from
then on!
Check back here for regular updates and pictures during the trip (providing I
can connect in okay from Tokyo, which I should be able to). Update: There are now
three photo albums, one for Tuesday
to Thursday, and another from Friday
onwards, including a few highlights from the final, and the full album of the
Final. Tuesday
June 25, 2002
We arrived in Tokyo to find it looked disconcertingly like London, at least
partly because of the cool, gray, rainy climate. If only England had hung on,
these would have been ideal conditions for us to play in! Narita airport looked
just like Heathrow, and the trip to our hotel was reminiscent of the M4 in west
London. We haven't seen walls of Neon signs a la Blade Runner yet, but will go
in search of these tomorrow. However, the high technology in our bathroom
reminds us that we are not at home - our toilet has all kinds of complex
controls that gave Mike a fright when he was the first to use the
facilities! We have quite a good start on World Cup freebies in the
package that was here for us when we arrive, with some World Cup raincoats, fans
which make a quite clapping noise when you wave them, and various badges etc.  
see the photo album for Tuesday to Thursday click here. Wednesday
June 26, 2002
This morning we wandered around the Shinjuku area which is where our hotel is
- lots of shops and neon signs - we finally felt we were in Tokyo!! I bought a
Brazil cap for the game, but Brazil merchandise was in short supply. In the
afternoon we caught the bus to a hotel in Saitama for a pre-game party organized
by Yahoo!, who are hosting us here. An unexpected bonus was that the Brazilian
team was staying at the same hotel, so we saw their bus leave for the game -
although it was hard to identify anyone! At the party there were two women doing
face-painting, so Mike and I both took advantage of that - I got a Brazil flag
and an England one, while Mike went for England and Japan. The game itself was
great, very open with lots of chances. Almost felt a bit sorry for Turkey as
almost the whole stadium was filled with real Brazilians or aspiring Brazilians
from Japan, England or anywhere else. But was pleased to see Brazil win, and am
hoping they will beat Germany by a suitably large margin in the final!

see the photo album for Tuesday to Thursday click here. Thursday
June 27, 2002
Today we braved the Tokyo railway system for the first time, and managed to
find our way round rather well. First we went over to the Sony building, which
has eight floors of Sony gadgets. But we were really rather disappointed with it
- there wasn't anything we hadn't seen before and much of it wasn't very well
organized. I'm thinking of opening my loft to the public as a rival attraction
:) !! After that we wandered round the Ginza area for a while, and had
lunch at a good little Sushi Bar where all the dishes came round on a conveyer
belt and you just took what you wanted. There was no sign of any English there
so it felt like a bit of an adventure. Afterwards we took the train up to
Akihabara, the electronics shopping district, and had a good look around there.
Didn't buy anything yet but will probably be going back tomorrow.  
see the photo album for Tuesday to Thursday click here. Friday
June 28, 2002
In the morning we went for a walk around the park opposite our hotel, which
had a nice little shrine in it, and we went up to the top of the Tokyo
Metropolitan Government building next to the hotel, which gave great views over
Tokyo even though conditions were fairly hazy. For lunch we met our Japanese
friends Kasahara and Yabe, who we know through Smallworld, and they took us to a
small Japanese restaurant where we had eel, which was very good. In the
afternoon they took us to Akihabara, and we got to see a lot that we didn't see
on Thursday's visit. In particular we saw lots of smaller market stalls selling
all sorts of electronic components rather than finished goods. For a more
detailed report on the gadgets that we saw in Akihabara, check here.
We went for dinner at a great little Yakitori place which was a regular haunt of
Kasahara's. To
see the photo album for Friday onwards click here. Saturday
June 29, 2002
Today we went to Kamakura, which is a small town south of Tokyo with lots of
temples and shrines. We met up with Mifune, the wife of David Theriault from
Smallworld, her sister Misato and son Jin, and they showed us round. We did lots
of walking and saw various shrines and the giant Buddha there. It had a
very serene atmosphere even though there were lots of people there - very
different from anything we'd seen so far. To
see the photo album for Friday onwards click here. Sunday
June 30, 2002 - the Final!!
The Final was a great experience. We spent quite a bit of time wandering
round near the ground beforehand, and there was a great party atmosphere with
Brazilians of all nationalities on the streets. We were filmed briefly by a BBC
camera crew when we were with a Scottish bagpipe player. The game itself was
exciting, with Germany playing a much more attacking game than I thought they
might. We were sitting at the end where Ronaldo scored his two goals and had a
great view. The pyrotechnics at the end of the game were impressive - as Cafu
was holding up the cup, loads of silver confetti was sprayed into the air, and
then thousands of origami storks started falling from the roof of the stadium -
it must have been a huge effort to make them all! Afterwards there was some
major partying going on - check this short video
to get an idea of the atmosphere outside afterwards (my camera nearly got
knocked out of my hand while I was filming, in which case I would never have
found it again). To
see the full photo album for the Final click here.